What is a golf handicap?

Well in short, a handicap in golf is a number given to each player which shows their level of playing ability. To get to this number, scores are recorded over a period of time and a fairly complicated calculation done.

This is what makes golf so unique. Players of varying playing ability can play against each other as their handicaps are factored into their final score. Yes, this means you could even take on Tiger Woods in a game of golf if handicaps were in play and have a chance of beating him. This is not possible in sports such as tennis or cycling.

The calculation of handicaps can be confusing to a beginner golfer. We recommend that you visit your local club and speak to the Pro in order to explain it. Below are some useful resources from the World Handicap System website which may also help you.


WHS Website

For all the information you can imgine, visit the WHS website.

Achievements on the golf course are not what matters, decency and honesty are what matter.”


The Zambia Golf Union together with its affiliates are working hard to ensure that all golfers adhere to the handicapping rules and regulations.

All clubs are required to have a handicap administrator who is responsible together with players through peer review, to ensure that handicapping guidelines are being followed.

A lot can be said of ones character and demeanor in this game. Be sure you follow the advice out the greatest golfer of all time and always attempt to shoot your lowest gross. 

Learn more about the rules

The R&A website has a host of valuable information regarding the rules (pretty much anything you could hope to find). Visit their website to learn more and even do a quiz to test yourself.